Ltd. is an internationally recognized developer of point of sales systems to Hospitality Industry. Our specialist development teams focus on providing customized business solutions. F
I手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫 Limited

Founded in Shanghai in 1857, Wheelock and Company Limited is a listed investment holding company (Stock Code: 20) headquartered in Hong Kong. The Wharf (Holdings) Limited (Stock Code: 4) , the Groupˇ
物業地產 / 地產代理公司會德豐有限公司

Company Profile Artland Nursery offers a complete range of professional landscaping services at competitive prices. Our services include: * Flower Bouquets / Fruit Baskets * Ceremonies Florist Decora

Following the concept of IPM and our requirements of medically healthy operational standards, we are specialized in providing safety termite and pest control services. With our medical and pest contr

DUK LING is typical of the junks built here 150 years ago - a reminder of Hong Kong's origins when the taipans and opium traders settled on this "barren rock". Carefully restored to the hig
D旅遊 / 遊樂會及渡假村Detours Limited

Kibby Lau Barbilia L. Natalie S. Fiona Fung Mandaline C. Holly H. Wai Lui Jai Day Gesche H. Andrea N. Crewsmodel is a full-service modeling and casting agency with a network of qualified and talented
C美容 / 形象顧問Crewsmodel

Company profile United Networks is operated by United Network Solutions Limited, which was formed by I.T. experienced professionals with over 18 years backgrounds in information systems management an

we specialize in the design,creation and production of multimedia projects and printed matter. Multimedia design crosses the territory of electronic design and printed matter.To successfully approach
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫柏靈科技有限公司

本醫院提供全面之內外全科手術、寵物移民澳洲手續、疫苗注射、身體檢查、診症及完善手術設備、寵物糧食及用品供應,另設有留院服務,門口附有咪錶停車車位,可供泊車,七天營業,敬請電話預約。 院內所有職員均熱愛動物及提供完善之寵物醫療健康服務。由經驗澳洲畢業獸醫主診。 服務 · 提供全面之內外全科手術、疫苗注射、身體檢查、 瘋狗症驗血服務、出國健康證明、寵物移民澳洲手續 · 診
A寵物 / 獸醫Australia Veterinary Hospital

柏得康動物診所 Tel : (852) 2388-3205 Fax : (852) 2388-6205 地址 : 香港九龍旺角洗衣街 24 號地下 優惠 : - 門診獸醫服務及用品,可享有折扣優惠 詳情: - 所有門診獸醫服務 , 可享有九折優惠 - 購買寵物用品 , 可享有九五折優惠 ( 特價品除外 )
S寵物 / 獸醫Silly

Contact Us The New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong is located at New Zealand Focus 439-445 Hennessy Road Causeway Bay Hong Kong Tel: + 852 2536 4469 Fax: + 852 2810 9068 E-mail: exec@nzcchk.
N商業 / 會社、組織及團體New Zealand Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong

五行動物針灸 5 Elements Veterinary Acupuncture Services Dr. Grace Li BSc BVMS MRCVS MBMAS MVBMA PFG (U Sydney) Vet Derm Cert. IVAS Cert. Dip Acup (HKU SPACE) Tin Hau Pet Hospital Shop B, G/F, Wilson Court,
寵物 / 獸醫五行動物針灸

We provide all kinds of surgeries, vaccinations, body checks, hospitalization, well-equipped operating rooms, pet food & products. There are parking spaces around the hospital for patients with c
A寵物 / 獸醫Australia Veterinary Hospital

聯絡方式: adress:5/F, WAH MOU FTY. BLDG.,202 -204 Choi Hung Rd., San Po Kong, KowloonHong Kong Tel: (852) 2320-0151, 2321-3828 Fax: (852) 2352-1243

軒苑農場提供多種園林產品, 園藝資材: 耐UV花盆/肥料/水苔/肥料/樹皮等 溫室配件: 遮光網/針織網/防蟲網/防草蓆/膠紙/壓槽等 植物: 趣味蘭花/稀有植物 We provide many types of horticultural products!!! Growing media and supplies: UV-resisted Plastic Pots/ Fertilizers/

親愛的 CNR 會員及企業客户 : 由 香港工業貿易署 (TID)、香港工業總會 (FHKI)聯同 本公司 中國網絡註冊(香港)有限公司 (CNR) 於上周二 (12/8) 攜手合辦 的 【 保護域名、商標與商號 企業營銷免爭議 】 研討會 經已完滿結束 。 當日出席者眾,反應熱烈,本公司再次衷心多謝閣下的參與及支持。若閣下未能出席而想分享當日盛況, 請按此 http://www.cnrhk.c
手機電腦互聯網 / 節目及活動中國網絡註冊(香港)有限公司

Treeham Productions Limited Treeham Productions Limited is a manufacturer and exporter of christmas trees, wreaths, garlands, sprays and other decoration items. With our professional knowledge of the
T家居 / 園藝及戶外設備Treeham Productions Limited

Fresh Flower 以下花球價錢已包括襟花及碎頭花 . Product No: FHR312 秀球;白玫;香檳玫 Product No: FL2011 手扎馬蹄蘭;桔梗;小象耳;綠豆. $480.00 $530.00 Product No: FL412 手扎馬蹄蘭;桔梗;綠豆. Product No: FLR2011 手扎馬蹄蘭;桔梗;小象耳;綠豆;羽毛. $530.00 $550.00
S鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Sun Flower Decoration Company

Venue Decoration Address: 陳列室-旺角彌敦道745-747號 太子金都中心 6樓B室 ( 太子 地鐵站) Office Hour : Monday to Saturday 2:00pm to 8:00pm,星期日休息 Web-site: httP:// E-mail : [email protected]
S鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球Sun Flower Decoration Company

中國石化月結油卡 每升油平$1.4/L,月結找數,申請手續簡易,如有興趣聯絡我們電話8103 8204(黃先生) Fax21296824。 另中石化已同crc合併,年底將可共享此優惠. keenhill Development Ltd
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